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re: Lime Rock Driver's School & TT

Royal said:

>>> Guess the Quattro School isn't out of line price wise after all
>>>   so stop complaining...another small club charging even more.....
>>>   ALFA wants $150 a day.
>>>>   See you at Lime Rock!

David Hillman said:

   >>Actually, that's very high for a AROC event.  I can't remember having
     >>seen or paid more than $85-110 a day.  Just like with the cars, you
     >>to get more for your money with the Alfas ;>

 Royal retorts:

Whoa, Whoa, Whoa there mate....I was just pointing out that expense are
and not that the Alfa event cost too much.  Like I've said before..if it's
 too much, don't go.

Now, as far as getting more for your money, you are right. I'm sure I'd
 have much more
trouble and far less traction with an Alfa.  Damn, I coulda had an A8 (palm
forehead)....   :-)
