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A4 steering feels so vague

In message <Marcel-1.09-0515133605-0b02QYK@milliped.demon.co.uk> Richard writes:

> I've had a FWD A4 Avant for 6 months now and have accustomed to most of its
> quirks.  However, what I haven't got used to is its vague steering.  There
> seems to be a delay between turning the wheel and the car reacting.

Should _NOT_ happen.  The A4 is pretty tight when properly set up.

Two possibilities:
a) Mis-set geometry.
b) Mis-adjusted steering rack.
Since you're also a Demon user - where are you in the UK?  There are a number 
of specialist alignment shops around that will give you an expert opinion for 
GBP30 or less.  Let me know where you are, and I'll tell you where the nearest 
Audi suspension alignment specialists are.

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club