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Re: Joys of Audi
At 03:01 AM 5/16/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Bob Davis then EXCLAIMED:
>> We should do another Kank run (forget I said that!)
> There's no way I can forget - simply no way! I missed the first(and
>only?) one and think about its successor almost every day - an
>incredibly cool convoy of us listers driving in well-kept and
>highly-tuned Audis, allowing people a perfect opportunity to take notice
>of the Audi marque and its mystique! And afterwards, ..locally brewed
>beers with fellow listers! Followed by a night with our wives...NO NO,
>WAIT! Scratch THAT! Followed by a nights stay in Burlington, Vermont on
>our way to Montreal for the Grand Prix! Yea, that's much better
> . . . .is this idea being planned already or what, because if not....
The Kank was the sickest thing I've ever been a party to.
The SUV's ditching off to the berms, the tourons panicking as the spectre
of the Four-Ringed Beast rapidly gained, swung left, and then disappeared
into the splendor of the White Mountains, the sensation of ABS fighting
lock-up as the pilot of the large sedan prepared for the washboard in the
180 degree switchback, passing four "mortal" cars at a clip, blowing up
Koni struts, and then, after it was all over, getting the shakes on the
drive home when you check the trip computer and find that your _average_
speed for the _day_ was in excess of 60mph.
No. To do it again would tempt fate.
But...it sure was fun!
(maybe we should tempt fate?)
Bob Davis