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Sonderausstattungen im Audi Programm

Sonderausstattungen im Audi Programm: Der direkte Weg zum personlichen

That's one of six Audi dealership brochures I picked up at Watgner Autohaus
in Herrsching-Breitbrunn July of 94.

I was fascinated with the true German Audis and the dealership brochures- and
the newer types were being introduced- like the A4's, etc. I watched closely
at those cars 'long' before they were to be introduced here in the States-
gutted and re-designed to meet the US spec 'safety' requirements.

I don't have a scanner but when I do- I sure want to scan the covers and send
them out.

The manual in question in subject heading talked about new Audi technologies
and models- and I don't know of the US models have this: Sonnenschutzrollo
fur die Heckschiebe. It's a roll down rear window sun screen. Here's more
explanation to follow: Im Audi 100 und Audi S4 auch in elektrischer
Ausfuhrung. Manuelle Rollos fur die hinteren Turscheiben von Audi 1-- und
Audi s4 (Limousine und Avant) sind abenfalls erhaltlich.  (limo means sedan
and avant, wagon).

Of course the Windschott fur das Cabriolet- the photo show a nice pix of the
Audi convertible.

The dealer sells two kinds of steering wheels- one the typical black four
ringed steering with air bag, and the Holzlenkrad mid drei Speichen fur das
Audi Cabriolet. Ohne Airbag (no airbag). The steering wheel is made of cherry
color wood, three metal spokes. 

Then there are wheels on the car with locking nuts. Recaro seating for Coupe
S2, manual transmission.

(Gang is speed- 5-Gang means 5-speed)

The second brochure is the Audi Cabriolet, sunset edition. They have nice
forest green and grape metallic purple Audis with striped cloth seating and
manual trans. One piece in that brochure was published in March of '94 giving
technical details: 2.0 e 5-Gang-Getriebe, 2.6 E 5-Gang-Getriebe, 2.6 E
Automatik, 2.8 E 5-Gang-Getriebe, and 2.8 E Automatik.  The 2.0E is the
4-Zylinder-Ottomotor, the 2.6 E is a 6-Zylinder-Ottomotor and 2.8 E also a 6
Zylinder Ottomotor. The generator, they listed that down, for 2.0 is 70, 2.6
is 90, and 2.8 also a 90 amp. The speed for those: km/h for 2.0= 187; 2.6=
209; 2.8=218. 0-80/0-100 km/h for 2.0= 8,6 (8.6)/12,9 (12.9); 2.6= 7,0/10,2;
and 2.8= 6,8/9,8.  The colors for the cabros: Metallic 9063 (grape purple);
Gomera Perleffekt L9 (green); and Rubinrot Perleffekt X6 (maroon).

Third is the Audi 100 Limousine und Avant. There are a lot of choices in
there and the brochure's thick. So I['m going to just list the models:

Audi 100 2.0 (5-Gang), 2.0 E (5-Gang), 2.0 E (automatik), and those are 4
cylinder models. Yes, 4 cylinders still run Germany! Then at 5 cylinders:
 Audi 100 2.3 E, quattro 2.3 E. Then 6 cylinders: Audi 100 2.6 E 5-Gang
(speed), and automatik, Audi 100 quattro 2.6 E 5-Gang & automatik; 2.8 E
5-Gang and automatik, and quattro 2.8 E 5-Gang and automatik. And there's the
Schadstoffarmer Di8eselmotor  Audi 100 2.4 D 5 zylinder 5-Gang. And three
more: Schadstoffarmer Dieselmotor und Oxydationskatalysator: Audi 100 2.5 TDI
5 zylinder, 5-Gang; Audi 100 2.5 TDI 5 zylinder, 6-Gang, and automatik.

Then there are 16 models under Audi 100 Avant, quattros, too. Same as above.

They have a quattro section: Frontantrieb oder quattro: Wenn Sie mit
Sicherheit viele Reserven haben wollen.  I know it doesn't help to throw in
German words but then- alas, a true Audians would look up the Deutsch-English
Worterbuch (word+book=dickynary). I try to lend the feel you're reading the
brochures yourself. If only I can scan the photos.

The next one is the Audi S2 Limousine, Coupe und Avant. Audi s@, Audi 80
Avant S2, Audi Coupe S2 all have 5 zylinders and 6-Gang. Those cars sport a
badge on their grille- the angled red square with Audi rings and two silver
vertical stripes beside it.

The other brhcoure tells about the Audi Coupe, sport edition- Qualitat made
in Ingolstadt. It has Der 4-Zylinder Motor mit 16 Ventil Technik leistet 103
kW (140 PS), and manual trans. Die Motorisierung: 2.0 16v 5-gANG. 

A brochure on: 

aUDI a6 2.5 tdi 103 Kw (140 ps) nEUE kRAFT FUR DEN hIGH-tECH dIESEL. (oops,
pardon the shift key error)

Audi A6 2.5 TDI 103 kW (140 PS) Neue Kraft Fur Den High-Tech Diesel.

And last: Neu: Audi A6, Audi S6 Limousine und Avant The V8 sports the
similiar angled red square Audi rings logo within and two stripes. They come
in automatik and stick.

Well-hope this has been entertaining rather than just informative. I know the
feel when you'd rather have the plethoria of Audi models to choose from than
to have a selected few shoved down your throat at the dealership here in the

Guten Nacht-


78 100 5S
81 200 5T (turbo with 5 speed trans. The 5000 turbos only have automatics
until'86, I believe.)