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Re: Rental Car Woes

Q: What is the best off road vehicle in the world?

A: Any Rental car

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>From palermo!sun4nl!coimbra.ans.net!owner-quattro Sat May 17 23:06 MET 1997
>Received: from coimbra.ans.net by sun4nl.NL.net (5.65b/NLnet-3.4)
	id AA17392; Sat, 17 May 1997 15:35:50 +0200
To: <Audi200TQ@aol.com>, <>, Kwattro@aol.com
Cc: "Q-List" <quattro@coimbra.ans.net>
Subject: Re: Rental Car Woes
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All this talk about "rental cars"!

"Nothing performs like a rental"


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