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A4 30 valve 2.8 (was A4 steering)
In message <Marcel-1.09-0519083509-b492QYK@milliped.demon.co.uk> Richard writes:
> A quattro will no doubt drink more than my FWD.
Not true, apparently. One of the great surprises of the early days was that
quattros often return slightly _better_ mpg.
This is a long and involved story, and I can't do justice to it here. It
occupies a whole chapter in one of the quattro books, and involved Audi and one
of the tyre manufacturers in some pretty extensive basic research. But it
seems that the rolling resistance of a driven wheel is less than that of a
dragged one, and the difference is more than enough to make up for the drive
train losses.
Phil Payne
Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club