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the classic hydralic lifter noise ....again

        Well to beat on dead horse.....I experienced the classic hydraulic
lifter noise on my 85 Coupe and decided to replace them all while doing a
timing belt job. The problem is the lifter noise is worse now with the new
ones in there. There is no noise while the engine is cold and warming but
noise when warm especially at idle and low rpm. Any ideas what the cure for
this would be? The lifters were stored properly (upside down) as far as I
know. Should I perhaps retorque the cam followers again or try over again
with a new set of lifters? This is the most aggravating Audi problem I have
experienced ......
  	- ed

Edward M. Armstrong     	  	email: earmstrong@csc.noaa.gov
Coastal Remote Sensing  		phone: 803 974-6265
TPMC/NOAA Coastal Services Center	fax:   803 974-6224
2234 S. Hobson Ave.
Charleston, SC 29407