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RE: power steering pump questions

>Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 20:49:11 -0700
>From: crawler@pluto.snoqualmie.wednet.edu
>Subject: power steering pump questions
>Well I am having power steering pump problems. The pump makes a skeeking
>noise, that sounds like the pully bearing? when I tighten the belt it
>gets louder, but when I loosen it, the noise goes away.
>Any thoughts, If it is the power steering pump going away, does anybody
>have one the works and does not squek, skwak, or squeel that will fit a
>1987 4000 csq?
>Joe Rae

I had one like this on a Mitsubishi, did about 100k on it with that sound.
Noise would temporarily go away if squirted with WD-40 or a silicone
lubricant behind the pully.  This may not apply to your Audi.  I suspect
they are built in a similar way though.

Good Luck,


Mike Walder # miwa@premier.co.uk # michael@dcs.rhbnc.ac.uk # Fax 01344 776677
1982 Audi 100 GL 5E 2144cc injection 136Bhp 115Mph 145k
1984 Mitsubishi Galant Turbo 1997cc I4 Turbo 170Bhp 136Mph 97k
1980 Rover 2600S SDI I6 136Bhp 105Mph(3sp slushbox) 46k
All vehicles are in constant need of attention :-)