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RE: 14" vs 15" rims

>No, they won't "fill up the wheel well better"
Sorry but what I really meant by that was that they give a fuller apearance 
than a 14" with more sidewall.

>although they may look better; -- you want to maintain the
>overall diameter of wheel + tire the same.
Agreed and confirmed by my size suggestions.

             >Also, the
>15s WILL be susceptible to pot-hole damage. 
Any tire and wheel combo is susceptible to potholes but if done right should 
not be a problem.  The main thing is to make sure that you keep the pressures 
up.  I have 16's and have had 15's before and never had a bent rim.  205/50/15 
has plenty of sidewall for everyday driving.  Maybe even more importantly 
though is the quality of the wheel.  Some wheels bend easier than others.  
Even some major brands well known for there lightness have very bad problems 
with bending.  There is a reason they are so light.

>.  If you really want, you should be able to
>go 205/55 on your 14s and be close (do the math, I have no
>calculator handy [says the guy typing on a computer]).
The only problem with this is that the tires might be too wide for the wheel.  
You would have to check the recommended width of wheel from the tire 

Pat Martin
> 864000csq  2 1/2 cat back, H&R-Boge,advanced and loving it.  Drilled and
> stopping it.  Koenig Cobra 16x7 with AVS Intermediates, K&N. Turbo coming
> soon.
> 95 subaru legacy
> Bothell, Wa.