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Re: Brake pads

> Date:          Thu, 22 May 1997 17:59:06 -0700
> To:            quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> From:          Alan Callery <alan_callery@intalco.com>
> Subject:       Brake pads

> I noticed that it's time for me to replace the rear brake pads on my 87
> 5KCSQW. The threads have previously indicated that to get pads that do NOT
> dirty the wheels, one should get the Repco Metal Masters (I think I am
> remembering correctly).  Can I ask for verification of this?  None of the
> pads are now dirtying the wheels and I wish to keep it this way so when I
> ask for the replacement pads I want to request the right ones.


I just installed a set of MM's on the rear of my 87 5KCSTQ.  They 
seem to be working very well with little dust and no squealing.  Paid 
about $45.00 USD for them.  BTW, the company that makes them is now 
called "Axxis." (sp?)  I'm sure you'll get a number of other opinions 
as well.

'87 5KCSTQ 130k
...the heater core is going ! ...the heater core is going !

Kurt Wesseling
Technical Support Center
The Education Network of Maine