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Re: Turbo hosing w/higher turbo boost?

On Sat, 24 May 1997 Audial@aol.com wrote:

> intercooler should I choose to increase boost on my car.  I inspected
> everything tonight and the hoses seem strong.  Should I preemptively replace
> the hoses before I increase the boost?  Also, the intercooler construction
> doesn't look very robust.  Has anyone encountered intercooler failure with
> increased boost?

Yes, increased boost _WILL_ destroy your top hose at ;least, adn possibly 
your bottom hose.   Next, it will pop the end tanks off your 
intercooler.   I'm not saying it might, it _will_.

A preemptive replacement will only buy you a little time.   The stock 
upper intercooler hose is not capable of handling increased boost for 
very long, and it is not compatible with the oil in the intake.   You are 
better off upgrading that hose with TAP's Samco hose, or something like it.

> Finally, one more question: > 
> The IA mod includes the wastegate spring.  Does the TAP or do you have to
> get/make/beg/steal your own?  My impression with recent posts is that the IA
> is complete while the TAP isn't in this aspect.

You can get 1.8bar without a spring, but it will build boost a little 
quicker with a stiffer spring.

Graydon D. Stuckey 

"Cool name man!" - Jay Graydon   :-)