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Re: Audi 80 Quattro parts compatibility

> That is why I have following questions about my '85 Audi 80 Quattro (5 speed
> manual gearbox, 1.8 l NE engine, VIN WAUZZZ81ZFA148839, Euro spec):

Taking a stab as we do not have the 1.8q here.

> 1. Does front shocks/springs the same as rear?

No, not to my knowledge.

> 2. Does front and rear brake pads are the same?

Definitely not.

> 3. Does anybody has experience or information about compatibility of any of
> following parts with parts of more ordinary cars like non-Quattro Audi 80/100:

Most of those would be exclusive to the Q.  You could get
parts for a US spec 4000q and they would likely match.

> 4. Is there somewhere aftermarket parts shop which can deliver parts in
> Ukraine.

You best bet is to ask Phil for the numbers to some UK suppliers
(I seem to recall that you can't use the web, just email) and
see if they will ship to the Ukraine.

Some US suppliers might be able to do this, but I bet it would
be more expensive.

| Dan |
Dan Simoes                                dans@ans.net
ANS Communications 		http://coimbra.ans.net/dans.html
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