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Re: V6 owners...After run at all?

>V6 owners, I have a 93 90.  Is this car supposed to have an after run feature
>like some of the old I5 and I4 engines have?  Also, chez under your fuse box,
>do you guys have relay #3 for the radiator fan there?  I don't....
>I NEED to know if it is supposed to be there.

I had this same thought a while ago.  Here's what I've gathered:
-There is no afterrun fan.
-The radiator fan has 3 speeds-a low speed that turns on whenever the
A/C is on (you can test this by turning the key halfway so that the A/C
turns on, then listen for the fan.)(Or just open the hood and look.)

About the relay:
I had not noticed a missing relay, but I did notice that two fuses, I
believe they were #'s 5 and 21, were both missing, and they both had
some relation to the low speed radiator fan.  I haven't worked up the
courage to plug some fuses in and try...

Any other thoughts?  The system seems to work fine for me.
