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Re: Single Wiper Blade Conversion

In a message dated 97-05-27 18:05:47 EDT, you write:

<< I was looking at a UK magazine this weekend and noticed many cars with
 > the single wiper blade conversion.  I was wondering if that will work
 > here in the U.S.?  The UK version cars are right hand drive, so I didn't
 > know if that was a complication.  >>
I've heard you can do this on VW's by using a scirocco wiper motor and
drilling a new hole in the middle for it, or you can buy a very expensive
kit. But why would you want to? For all your trouble you end up with less
total swept area on your windshield and, if it's done the way most people
want it, a distracting strip of metal and rubber in your field of vision all
the time.