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In a message dated 97-05-24 12:34:35 EDT, you write:

<< When my engine is being starved of fuel by a faulty warm-up regulator, I
 manually switch on the Cold-Start Injector.  This improves things somewhat.
  In fact the car flies.
 Anyone tried plumbing in NOS to this injector instead of fuel?  seems like
 the injector is in the right place.  Anyone know if this is or isn't
 possible?  My thoery is that for about 50ukp(~$35), I could have my own NOS
 injection.  Certainly make the jaws drop of 325i drivers :-)
 I would control presure from the NOS cylinder with a tap, and open the
 injector when necessary.  Seems interesting.
A couple of problems you may want to consider.  1)  The CSI is placed in the
intake to give the best runner "wash" at engine startup vacuum, not under WOT
or WOTB (boosted).  2)  NOS assumes you have enough fuel to take the boot,
few cars have it in the stock CIS.  3)  I did some testing of the CSI under
full throttle some years ago, and found that a fogger pre tbody would give
better results.  Basically, the shape of the vw/audi/dodge intakes don't give
a even distribution to the cylinders at anything but idle using the CSI.  3&4
(4&5 audispeak) would get washed heavily with fuel, at the expense of 1&2.
 The lamda circuit tended to detect rich, so 1&2 got even less fuel.  4) Take
the CSI out of the IM, and activate it into a glass jar, this injector is
crude has no defined spray pattern, it's job is to put system pressure raw
fuel into the IM, that's all.  5)  CSI is not atomized, so your HC will
skyrocket with this mod, better not have a CAT in place with this
arrangement, it will clog your exhaust in short order.

If you are using CSI for WOT enrichment on a turbo car, I propose you are
skating on the thin line of boom theory.  I know HKS used to offer a
pre-fogger, as did Calloway some years ago.  This is prolly a better mod, for
either NOS or CIS.

