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Re: Scratch & tire puncture

Whoa. Hold on here. I discovered the screw in my tire BECAUSE the tire
looked low and I only noticed the low tire because the car felt a little
funny on the highway. Now it wasn't flat, but it was deflated, so am I
beyond some safe limit here?

Sean Ford
sean@nwh.org                       '92 Audi 100CS 5spd 21K mi
Newton-Wellesley Hospital      '89 Suzuki Katana 600 14K mi
Newton, MA  02162 (USA)      http://www.geocities.com/motorcity/downs/5528

> From: Phil Payne <quk@sievers.com>
> were discovered with the tyre still at normal pressure.  I would have
> misgivings about reusing a tyre that had run deflated with a foreign body
in it.