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moaning sound

Hi guys,

Have a question:

I got into my car this morning and heard a terrible moaning sound that
sounds like "ooooooo" as spoken thru the nose.

I had heard something similar 2 days ago but it wasnt as loud. It 
sounded really terrible this morning.

The sound seems to be louder inside the car than outside. Seems to 
be coming from somewhere under the car approx 2/3 lengths down from
the nose of the car - somewhere around the fuel pump. The sound does
not change w/ speed. I stopped the car after driving for 10mi.
I returned an hour later and the car started fine - no moaning sounds.
Any idea what caused it ?

While I am on the topic of noises... there is this clicking sound 
that I hear in the upper left section of the engine. The noise is not
loud and can be heard only w/ the hood open. The sounds seems to be
emanating from the assembly in front of the battery. I do not know if
this is normal. If not, any idea what causes it ?

I am not a member of the Audi mailing list (more mail than I can 
handle :) so a personal reply would be preferable.

'88 Audi, Q90

Email: mdholaki@BayNetworks.com