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Re: Audi haters

Read the header. The e-mail went through (or originated from)
misl.mcp.com, a known (secret) anonymous remailer. Several things I can
think of:

1. Someone does not like bmwus45@yeah.com, and is inducing flame in the q
   list to help him mail-bomb yeah.com via misl.mcp.com.

2. Someone at mcp.com doesn't like someone at yeah.com.

3. There's really a bmwus45 that is jealous of Audis.

I don't know what Dan has put into the majordomo list server. If he setup
as such the list is only accessible if the e-mailer is sub'ed, then
another possibility comes up:

4. Someone sub'ed to the list has something against bmwus45.


5. Some spy from BMW sub'ed to the q-list. But doesn't know how to unsub
   from the list after finding how Audis have less electrical gremlins
   than BMWs -- hence the jealousy and frustration. (^:

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