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RE: now cylinder head crack, was exhaust manifold studs

Q List,
After the last message I got a line on a used head and wastgate for $350 CDN.  
This sounds reasonable, but I will have to wait until Monday to go and look at 
it.  Does anyone know if there is a difference between the 1986 and 1987/88 
5000 TQ heads? Susposedly the engine designationa nd HP is the same, but I was 
looking through my IPC catalog and there was no listing for 1986 just 
If it is OK I will have an extra wastgate though with a small crack in the 
diaphragm.  Anyone want to buy one - cheap.  Also anyone want an old head with 
seized studs and small crack < 1mm wide between the 2 valve seats?
(would be good for a "core" to exchange on a rebuilt head...
I'm going to miss the faster turbo spin up withthe cracked diaphragm though...

86 5000 CD Quattro
305,000 km