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fuel pump induced miss
I had inquired last week about a high speed miss that would cease upon
simply restarting he engine. Suggestions on checking the fault code were
sound advice, but since I have never done so, I was going to check the
Bently manual and cry out for further help as needed. My local mechanic
mentioned a noisy fuel pump (intermittent) may be a sign as to the origion
of the
problem. Sure enough on my way home, the miss reappeared. This time I
did not turn off the ignition but rather listened any unusual fuel pump
noise. once stopped, I could hear a high pitched noise from the pump
area. The noise disappered by restarting the car as did the miss.
While I find this strange, it appears this may well the cause of he
problem. Any suggestions on fuel pump replacement. I noted on the
quattro list regarding possibly using a later improved version of he
pump. Any points to beware of on either the purchase of a replacement
or installation. Please reply to George kotjarapoglus at
jkot@pitt.edu 89-200 75k