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Re: A8 Coupe
"Bertenyi, Tamas" <Tamas.Bertenyi@nrc.ca> wrote:
>Has anyone seen the latest issue of Sports Car Illustrated or Road and
>Track (I can't remember which one. I am at the age where my memory is
>starting to go!). They have a picture of a gorgeous A8 coupe. Somebody
>took the sedan, chopped it and glued it back together again. They did
>a seamless job and it looks completely as if it was done by Audi. What
>an amazingly good looking automobile!
Yep, and apparently some oil sheik wanted one at any price, but they said
it was a prototype and they wouldn't sell it, or make any more. A shame,
because it is beautiful indeed.
Yesterday, at the Dutch model car swapmeet, there was one stand offering
brochures and press kits, among which was the press kit for the A8 Coupe.
The guy wanted $7.50 for it- but I was completely broke. Shame!
PS The same guy had the complete press kit for all Audi models of 1986. One
fat volume with pics and specs of all Audis. Beautiful, but expensive.
Tom Nas Zeist, The Netherlands
1988 Audi 80 1.8S, Tizianrot metallic, 210,000km
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