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<FS>(Fwd) Tire Rack Web Site
This is FYI - I have no affiliation with Tire Rack. They don't have
an "On-Line" fitment display working yet - you have to download the
files and then review them.
> Subject: PitStop.......Now OPEN!
> Date: Sat, 31 May 97 10:13:47 -0000
> From: Bill Ozinga <webmaster@tirerack.com>
> The Tire Rack's PitStop
> is available and ready. We are notifying you ahead of the general public,
> to ask for your assistance in making sure it works correctly. See
> http://www.tirerack.com/pitstop/
> Please notify us via e-mail of your impressions, both good and critical,
> and of any problems you had.
> We think you will find it very interesting. We will be adding vehicles
> continuously so check back for new additions.
> There are currently 80+ vehicles in the library and a "Shockwave" version
> will be available in about a week.
> Thank you for your interest. Don't forget to check your mirrors before
> pulling into the pits.
> The Tire Rack Team
> pitstop@tirerack.com
> http://www.tirerack.com
That's all for now....
Al Powell, Ph.D. Voice: 409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg. Fax: 409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843