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A/C Aspirator Motor,, Engineered?
Regarding the aspirator motor replacement on your 90
I have not had the pleasure of removing the aspirator motor
in my 89 200TQ yet....but I did remove the one in my 86
5000TQ (what a joy, see below for that info). The Audi
Booklet "1989 Model Change Information" shows the aspirator
motor housing being mounted with two screws underneath the
dash and a hose connecting the motor sucking hole to the
temp sensor/down draft port inlet which is mounted nearby.
You "may" be able to gain access to this aspirator motor by
removing the instrument cluster.
5000T/Q Information: I gained access to the sucker
(literally) in the 86 5000T by removing the instrument
cluster and the clock/computer switch. The motor is mounted
up to the top of the dash and was encased in a plastic clam
shell like housing that has two plastic tangs that had to
be un- hitched to allow the lower part of the clam shell
housing to unclip and swing down to allow the motor to fall
out. As the motor falls out of course all of the carbon
brush dust dumps out at well. This plastic clam shell is
bolted or riveted to the upper part of the dash in the
5000T. Getting the motor out initially was a little
difficult as you can't see the motor very well. A
flashlight and mirror help somewhat just to see what the
hell is in there. My aspirator motor had a commutator that
was pretty well wiped out. I ended up running the system
without the aspirator but moved the temp sensor up closer
to the inlet with the hope it would catch a draft now and
then. It worked ok but not well as the A/C temp would have
a tendency to porpoise up and down.
Scott M.
Former Cub Scout,
Gas Station Pump Jockey,
Grease Monkey,
Auto Mechanic (GM, CHRYS, FORD),
Automotive Technician, (VW)
Master Technician (NISSAN),
Self Employed Auto Mechanic/Community College Student.
Cal Poly State University College Student (Electrical
BSEE Degree i.e. Electrical Engineer (I finally graduated!)
Oscilloscope Hardware/Software Manufacturing Engineer
(How the hell are we going to manufacture this oscilloscope
with poor design margins?)
New Product Development Marketing Manager
(Automotive Test Equipment, Design/develop automotive
setups/features for our handheld digital Oscilloscope),
Tektronix Product Marketing Manager
( I answer the phone and try and figure out why the
customer is so pissed off)
Which brings us to my final JOB TITLE:
who would be asking for trouble if I claimed to be a
"real" engineer.........