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Yep on the 4wd MBZ

In message <Pine.HPP.3.95.970602202401.9568A-100000@bluejay.creighton.edu> Virtual Bob writes:

> And I thought it was a crosshair for a hidden bazooka or something.

The Germans still occasionally tell racist jokes, though these days the targets 
are usually Turks.

One such joke has a Turk arriving at a German airport and getting into a taxi - 
naturally, a Mercedes.  He gazes around in wonder at everything around him, and 
finally asks what the crosshairs are for.  The driver says it's so he can aim 
at pedestrians crossing the road, and proceeds to swerve to demonstrate - 
pulling away at the last minute from a dear old lady crossing the road.
There's a 'thump' from the back of the car, and the Turk's head appears over 
the passenger seat.  "Some driver you are.  If I hadn't flung the rear door 
open, we'd never have hit her!"

Naturally, such jokes are rarely told in the presence of foreigners.

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club