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Tire Pressures

Haudi,  I have a question for the group.  What is the correct tire pressure for
a car with non-stock tire sizes and/or suspension mods?

The recommended tire pressures for a given car, OEM tires and various loadings
are usually inscribed on a plate somewhere on the car.  But what if one changes
the width, section height or diameter of the tire.   A tire's compliance is
usually factored into the suspension equation so how does one adjust for
changing that compliance?

Of course the act of changing tire sizes or suspension components indicates an
intent to influence the ride/handling characteristics.  So are there any
guidelines on where to start choosing pressures in the quest for the perfect
handling/ride compromise?  

With no intent to ignite a thread,  Gross Scruggs
'87 5kCSq, Fuchs, Eibach, QLCC (thanks, Graydon!)