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Re: 200 vs. M5

In a message dated 97-06-04 00:50:03 EDT, you write:

<< I did see the article on the M3s. Thought it was only about newer
 generation M3s, not older ones, though I imagine there are options
 available. There’s always something faster, but dollar for dollar you
 can *make* a faster Audi, particularly with the older (91 & later)
 Audis. For what you pay around here (So Cal) for a used M5 or M3, you
 can find an Audi of same year for a lot less money - spend the
 difference wisely and you’ll have a faster car with the Audi.
 Believe me, I don’t think my big heavy 91 200q corners nearly as well as
 an earlier M3, but that’s an apples and oranges comparison. The M5 is an
 appropriate challenger. However, year for year you can buy an Audi for
 less $$ and throw your choice of mods on, which by the time you’ve spent
 a little brings you into the same dollar ballpark as the stock BMW, with
 higher overall speed/handling limits thanks to wonderful quattro
 all-wheel drive - eg you’d have a faster car on the track even if the
 Bimmer maintained a little edge in lateral grip: Just put your foot in
 it, spool the turbo up and shoot out of the corner. Look behind you.
 Yup, there he is. :) (repeat as necessary)
 My perspective is from Southern California where older (91 down) Audis
 are particularly undervalued, and Bimmers are (in my mind) over-valued
 largely for the status merits of that silly little propeller on the
 hood. (propellers belong on boats, not cars). Perhaps my dollar for
 dollar argument/perspective doesn’t hold true elsewhere in the U.S.,
 Sarge >>

I think that for the 25,000-30,000 that they want for S4/S6's around here,
you could make one albsolutly screaming M3, considering that you can pick a
REALLY nice 88 M3 up for around 16,000.  Do the numbers, but I'm sure that
16,000 is less than 30,000.  Truth be told, I wouldn't consider buying a
200TQ.  Just my opinion.  The S4 was built for speed, like the M cars.  The
200TQ is more the eqivilent of the 540i 6 speed...fast, but built for comfort
and ease of driving fast.  The M cars are twitchy (with the exception of the
new M3) and horrifically fast (with the exception of the old M3, which is
only pretty fast.)  The S audi cars are the same, in most regards.  Come down
to it, dollar for dollar as you put it, an older BMW will beat an older
quattro in most events at about the same price, maybe slightly higher.  Exa.
 200tq's run for around 15,000 or so.  I just heard of a an M5 for 14,500.
 It may be a bit rough, but that's where all the fun is

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