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Re: Money for Nothing

At 05:17 PM 6/4/97 -500, you wrote:
>If you are interested in making money honestly and rapidly, this is 
>your chance.
>The ACADEMIA DE ESPANOL EQUINOCCIAL is looking for sales agents on a 
>world-wide lelel, via internet.
>Here is what you have to do:
>-If you know of anyone interested in studying Spanish in South 
>America, all you have to do is send them to our school.
>-When such a person begins taking classes at our school, we will 
>automatically send you the 10% commission.  GUARANTEED.  Example:  
>For a student that receives 100 hours of class (approximately 4 
>weeks), this course has a value of USD$400, your comission would be 
>If you are interested in our easy and honest offer to make money, 
>send us the following information via e-mail, after which we will 
>send you more complet information concerning the operation of this 
>program and the prices.
>Apellidos (last name):
>Nombres (first name):
>Edad (age)
>Ciudad (city):
>Pais (country):
>Telefono (Telephone):
>More information about our school is available in our new WEB site 
>(http://www.equinoccial.edu.ec), or request more information via 
>electronic mail (eee@eee.org.ec).
>We eagerly wait your reply.

Ach.....Junk mail......

Vytautas Reipa
86 5kcst
87 5k