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Re: Ur-in

I appreciate you taking the time to post to the list something that you might
have considered privately, you are welcome to snip my long ones, that at
least saves some bw.  I also always encourage a quick trip thru the archives
before you point the howitzer, this is number 2 on this thread alone.  I
believe I allayed both your and Bruces concerns regarding a conflict of
interest, please paruse the recent archives for that.   Any others we should

When this goes to C&D chat room levels, I figgr misinterpretation, for that
sir, I will give YOU the benefit of the doubt, tolerance.  Many know me here,
always smiling, always laughing at my efforts and experiences tweeking q's.
What I don't tolerate well is, smoke and mirrors and misinformation and
unsubstantiated claims.  Lots of that floats here sometimes.   I address it
with prose, most of it on the humor side (at me first), cuz Sales is what I
do for a living, hence easily recognizable.  For a claim to mean ANYTHING to
me, put up, that's why I go to a lot of q club and other marque events with a
watch and a helmet.  Claims and smoke easily gets put in perspective quickly,
hard to 'sell' a lap time and/or side by side comparos.  Where else do you
get 60+ q's in a closed environment? 

 Your defensive and offensive gestures indicates to me that you don't like
me.  A private post issue really.  Putting this last clay pigeon up will only
get more big guns.  That really saddens me, more waste of bw.   What is
different than my posts?  hmmmm...  Well (maybe nothing), questions and
claims and experience and quantum physics create questions for explanations,
get smoked on enough of them, and task orientation tends to take over.   But,
if you read the 'ends' of my posts, I put them into perspective in relation
to humor and tolerance.  The laugh is always on myself first, for that, I
will remain selfish.

You don't know me from anything but my posts, Randall.  A lot of listers here
do, and few find me the dork you seem to.  Could that be cuz we haven't
shared a beer?  Could it be that I ask hard questions on claims, that I
expect only to be answered?  Wrong delivery of the dirty joke?   Could it be
that you don't have the time nor interest nor inclination to bring the v8 to
a plethora of qclub track events?  

My experiences with your posts have been of frustration from you to me.  I
assure you, that is a two way street.  I respect all listers rights to post
what they want.  I also feel that maybe there is more than the "obvious" and
"expert" answers within easy reach.  I don't CLAIM to be qualified, a guru, a
audi god, just a guy looking for the "better" tweeks, based on research,
books, fellow qheads, and btdt.  Amazingly enough, when I do/did all this, my
cars go faster, handle better.  How do I know?  Cuz I compare them to others
(experts and novus alike) "accomplishments" several times a year, head to
head.  So, when I read CLAIMS that I HAD to have misinterpreted, or misread
my watch or my ass, cuz I came to a different conclusion with the SAME facts
and formulas and experience and drive, do I shut up and accept the resume?
 Or do I point out the counterargument with questions and reasoning.  

So, with this whack, I will presume you to feel better, and all your points
well versed and properly communicated.  My ego doesn't allow anything but
more stupid questions towards experts, I do this all the time.  I empathize
that it seems to bring out the ego in you and some others.  Hardly my
intention.  Answers are behind the ego, right or wrong ones.  I don't sell
the coil over kits I so kindly rebutted on, so what the heck could be
motivating me on this whole thread anyhow?  My only claim is ignorance.
 Resumes sir, are just paper, not answers.  Come take a ride, worst that
could happen, is we just have good clean fun.

Please do forgive my asemia, as I do try to, yours

'87 5ktqw
'84 Urq