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Ripp's 5000TQ

I should probably start by saying I have NOT seen the magazine yet, and I
also want to mention that Ripp started out on this digest on the wrong foot,
so to speak, and I also want to mention that he DID redeem himself - he did
what he said he did, although the first time he said it, it was said in a
way that upset a lot of people - but he DID what he said he did, so, nomex
on, here goes:

Subject: Ripp's 5000TQ.

Well I picked up the July issue of Turbo Magazine to see Ross's 87 5000QT.
 The car looks nice and by the tone of the article seems to perform just as
well but I am left with a few questions.

1.  The article states that the engine has a "stainless steel" crankshaft.
 My question is why stainless steel?  . . . .  Sounds like a load of Hooey
to me..  

Could this be editorial imprecision? I've seen more than a few automotive
articles by people who can write fairly entertainingly but really don't know
a heck of a lot about cars (!).

2.  The "HEADS" have been ported and polished.  I never knew of a 5000TQ to
use two heads!!  Was this an early attempt by the factory to create a 20V by
welding two   
Ten valve head together??  Or is there a spare head in the trunk?  

Probably either a proofreading error or sloppy thinking on the part of a
writer who is so used to writing about domestic v-8s that the word "head"
only comes as a plural.

3.  The throttle body was modified "to flow more direct air int the intake
manifold".  What is the difference between direct and indirect air??  I
figured air was air??

More sloppy writing - the writer is evidently not as familiar with Bosch FI
as we are (lucky guy!)

4.   The article states that "This guy "(Ned Ritche) "reverse-engineered
Audi".  Does Audi know about this??  I know Ned did computers and turbo's but
I had no idea that he reverse engineered an entire car company!!

Even more sloppy writing - or sloppy editing - or both. (Of course, it is
just possible that Ned, who has shown his cleverness and intellect by [among
other things] being a member of this list has indeed reverse engineered the
entire company! We are, after all, a rather resourceful bunch here - we have
to be, sometimes!)

5.  There is also some mumblings of an Audi Quattro wagon having a lower
first gear.  If it is an 016 Transmission then the only car that has a lower
first gear is a 5000 diesel..  Someone goofed there...

Roger that. Over.

Interesting paint job also....  

Have not seen it - or the article - but remember that nobody's baby is ever
ugly. It's Ripp's car, and he paid for the paint job - so if it pleases him,
that's ALL that counts. _I_ may not like it, _you_ may not like it, but we
didn't pay for it. Shooting in the dark here, but preaching tolerance, I guess.

Usual disclaimers apply.....

Agreed - same here . . . Sounds like Ripp's car suffered from a writer who
didn't take the kind of time and care with his work that Ripp took with his.
And no, I've never met or spoken with Ripp - just think he's gotten some
"bad press" on this list - hopefully that's over.

Best Regards,

Mike Arman