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What to look for in an ur-quattro
In message <1135021110061997/A09753/CSAV10/11B652C22100*@MHS.minedu.govt.nz> Dave Eaton writes:
> following is an updated attempt to provide assistance to those people looking
> to purchase ur-quattro's additions welcome....
> motor mounts are hydraulic and give out from time to time. you can pick this
> due to the increase in noise and vibration from the motor.
> manifold. if the manifold on an older ur-q isn't 'ticking' it can't be an ur-q
> ;-) expect to have to weld the sucker at some point. usually the ticking is
> noticed from cold (sounds a bit like noisy tappets). replacement manifolds are
> expensive, so welding is often the solution chosen. check to see the presence
> of welds on the manifold. another solution is a replacement manifold from
> suppliers such as dialynx. 20v manifolds don't give the problems of the
> earlier ones.
3rd solution is a two-part manifold from a 200. A slight downpipe modification
is required - people like Adam Marsden at AM Cars have done quite a few.
> exhaust. very expensive for the lot, although there are cheaper alternatives.
> rear box is the problem. last quite a while though; expect about 50-80k miles
> before replacement. 20v ur-quattro's have dual catalysts and require super
> unleaded. replacement of the 20v exhaust is very expensive.
The stock ur-quattro exhaust uses stainless pipes and mild steel boxes. The
rear system, especially, can often be professionally repaired.
> body strong and solid. rust not a problem unless the body has been repaired.
> body's never galvanized though, although, due to the special attention given
> them, corrosion protection is very good. windscreen seals cause trouble in
> older cars.
Beware the dreaded "no paint under boot (trunk) hinge" problem. If there is
excessive rust around the hinge plates, the repair is very difficult and
expensive (rear window has to come out, etc.)
> best buy is the (euro) 1988-89 ur-quattro. comes with the torsen transmission
> with better ratios and torsen diff for better driveability. brakes are
> (improved) dual piston, and the turbo is water cooled and gives much better
> low-end torque and response. leaded petrol only.
Well, I can agree with that!
Phil Payne
Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club