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'93 90Q: rear caliper rebuilt / parking

Bonjour Qlisters!

The parking brake handle is now numb, ie I lift it and there's no
resistance and it's not effective. I checked the adjustment and
thigthened it. It worked for three days. Now nothing. Braking is fine.

My manual (real Audi repair manual) shows how to rebuilt the caliper
piston seals and adjust the parking brakes. But nothing about the
parking brake part of the calipers. A mechanic told me they are very
complicated to rebuilt because of the "endless screw" of the parking

Rebuilt kit at Canadian Tire (equi. to Flaps, i guess) 18$ US
Dealer rebuilt kit: 37$
Rebuilt caliper : 115 $

Question: Easy to rebuild?  (I'm used to standard rebuilt)
	  Buy the kit or the rebuilt?
	  Buy the dealer or "jobber" (as we say up North).


Yves, P.E. (!!!)
'93 90S Quattro
'74 Westfalia (slow, but relaxing)
'72 911S Targa (new front suspension pan welded, finally...)
'84 Sirrocco (awaiting resurrection)