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ur-q using oil - turbo ??

In message <339EF55E.68F8@iol.ie> George Harrison writes:

> Phil Payne wrote:
>>  40Nm, 60Nm, 180 degrees.  2 x 90 degrees is permitted.  Did going from 43 
>> lb ft to 54 lb involve a quarter turn?  If not, your head bolts aren't 
>> tight enough.
> Do you think I should re-torque the bolts now using your specs.?
> I've put 3k miles on it since re-assembly and I was told when buying the
> new bolts not to re-torque them because they're stretch bolts.

There's a note in the microfiche saying that the head doesn't need to be 
"tightened down".

Several people I've spoken to (especially Martin and Brian at BR Motorsport) 
say that head bolts, despite being designed to stretch, _can_ be re-used ONCE.
We got into a long philosophical discussion at one point, about how you know 
that someone hasn't re-used them already.  The reason is simple - I have an 
invoice from BR Motorsport for a head removal job last year that doesn't show a 
charge for new bolts, and I suspect they re-used the old ones.
So - I strongly suspect you'd be OK.

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club