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Re: Returned mail: Host unknown (Name server: rippmods.com: host not found)
-- [ From: Huw Powell * EMC.Ver #3.1a ] --
>>And of course this is what happens when you try to drop him a private line
... Boing!
Hey, Ross,
I don't think anybody is trying to shut you up. Trouble is, we're all
salivating over what you actually did to your car, while not knowing any
details. There are a couple of listers who come to mind who only ever post
criticisms of other people's claims or theories, and then never seem to
actually point anyone to a solution. (no real details of their btdt's, just
I'm sure you're not going to be one of them!
Can I humbly propose a solution to this?
Perhaps you could try, say once a week or so, whenever it feels right, post
an intensely detailed description of *one* thing about your car that is cool
. If it interacts heavily with other items, better talk about them, too.
IE your strut braces - whose are they, why did you choose them, etc.
Take your time, enjoy yourself, learn whose replies not to bother to read,
and keep workin' on that Audi!
PS I don't know how to say this delicately, but the use of a spell checker
or proofreading before sending will catch those pesky typos. Makes you look
better (adds to your authority) and keeps the information clear.
Take care!
Huw Powell
HUMAN Speakers
-------- REPLY, End of original message --------
Huw Powell
HUMAN Speakers