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Re: Synthetic Oil as an engine flush? (Synthetic oil caused lifters to go bad)

Glenn Kaufman wrote:

> Hi John,
> Can you explain this further?  How does synthetic oil clean out all
> the
> gunk left by normal oil?  Assuming it cleans out all the gunk, how
> long
> does it need to circulate to clean it out?  an hour, 10 miles, a 1000
> miles?  It sounds like synthetic oil would be a gentle flushing agent
> and
> would not harm the engine.

Thats about right. There are more than one type of base syntthetic oil.
Some do it fasterthan others. Check WWW.Lubrizol.com. Anything and every
thing about any oil is on that web

> What I've haven't heard about engine flushes is that the flush
> (usually
> kerosene) does not really ever leave the engine and that the flush
> needs to
> be flushed!  What has been your experience here?

I don't use it any more. I use REDLINE synthetic oil in every car iv'e
ever had.

> Why is going to a 30 weight synthetic oil a no no at 60k miles without
> a
> flush?

The gunk left by non synthoil is like a plug. If you start useing
synthoil, you will remove theplug. And if the space left is big enough a
30 weight oil find it fast. But a 30 weight synthoil
will find it faster. And bingo a big oil leak.

> My engine has 110K miles on it now.  How should I know if it needs to
> be
> flushed?

Do it, then  check for oil leaks. But  remember , if anything is about
to come lose will aftera flush.

1990 QC