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Re: engine cleaning

On Wed, 11 Jun 1997 14:34:11 -0700, Robert Hardwick wrote:

>In addition to WD-40 on components that need water shedding, consider
>replacing the "waxy coating", as the Bentley manuals states.  On
>aircraft we use a wax coating, LPS 3, as a final step to help slow down
>corrosion.  It's available as an aerosol, especially from marine supply
>houses.  Maybe other, Audi approved, wax coatings exist - anyone?

Thanks, for the tip Robert. I'd call that news I can use. You folks
up Seattle way ought to be the world's experts on water shedding.
(BTW, Audi coated the insides of many load caring members of my
type 44 chassis with a heavy wax coating. I don't know how common
the practice may be in the industry.)

DeWitt Harrison   de@aztek.com
Boulder, CO
88 5kcstq