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RE: USA trip:Rent a car: no Audi

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	R. Wiratorn [SMTP:withu@loxinfo.co.th]
> Sent:	Thursday, June 12, 1997 8:25 AM
> To:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject:	USA trip:Rent a car: no Audi
>                 Hi all
>                 I'll have a very long trip from SF to Vancouver.
>                 I think I should rent a minivan for this purpose.
>                 We're four adults.
>                 Ford Windstar, Dodge Caravan, Town & Country
>                 or even Grand Cherokee would be fine.
>                 But mom concerns about security, because people
>                 ( both good and bad) can see everything inside the
> car.
>                 Do those cars have something to cover our bags ?
>                 The station wagon sure does have one, but not sure
>                 about minivan.
>     thanks
>     Ben
>                 Does Radar Detecter illegal in CA, OR, and WA ?
>               [Holloway, James (NJAOST)]  The Windstart has a cargo
> net in the back.  It is not perfect but will do nicely if you slide
> the rear seat back snuggly against your valuables.  These vans
> frequesntly come equipped with privacy glass too.  Its reflective
> nature makes it very hard to see through.