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Re: Contaminated gas tanks
Ref: Thu, 12 Jun 1997 03:00:36 =0600 (CDT) post from
rjandrew@post.cis.smu.edu (R Justin Andrews)
>>> I had the smae problem in my old 5000 and I used a wet dry vacuum
>> Thanks for the idea Rich!
>> What did you do to make sure there were no more fumes in the tank? I'd be
>> afraid to use a vacuum with it's electric motor with fuel fumes around ...
>Well, I just kept the vacuum away from the cart and used a long hose.
Not a good idea!
Remember that flow though a plastic hose generally builds up a static
charge on the hose unless it is conductive AND grounded.
All the rumors you've heard about gasoline vapor being explosive are true.
Luck plays a large part in survival sometimes. I just blew up a perfectly
good battery. First one in 25yrs of removing the charger cables without
turning off the charger --last one too! Be safe, not sorry.