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Anyone Modify a Coupe Quattro '90-'91, '92? -- Eurospec 2.6
How much power and torque does the kit add? I'm knew to this but assume
that if you increase the power, you also probably have to beef up other
components in the drivetrain. Do you know what that would be and approx.
cost? Thx. glenn
At 11:23 PM 6/12/97 -0600, you wrote:
>> From: Kwattro@aol.com
>> << The only way to increase the lowend torque on the NA 20V engine is to
>> increase the displacment. Preferably, a stroker crank, cha ching $$$$ >>
>> Eurospec 2.6 stroker kit. 995$.
>The "kit" is closer to $2k. The crank is a $995 item by itself. New pistons
>etc. are needed.
Glenn D. Kaufman
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