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Encouragement Please!?

In message <33A2932B.5B16@tiac.net> Allan Jones writes:

> 	I have an 11 year old car and I believe her birthday's also
> approaching, but I am not sure as to the location of the date of
> construction on the V.I.N., could someone please tell me what digit
> represents the month of build. Thanks!

Sorry.  Year only.  If you're lucky, there'll be a sticker somewhere.  My ur-
quattro has it stamped inboard of the fender above the left headlight.

> 	Do you have any info on how to stop the 'bottomless headlamp housing of
> condensation?'

Nothing other than dismantle, dry out and reassemble with something gundgy on 
the gasket.

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club