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Audi A4 30 Valve sighting... in the US!
I just went over to the AUDINEWS page at EUROCARFINDER-
and got a glimpse of the A4 30V which is not supposed to be on our
shores yet, and a thought popped into my mind... Egads! I have seen this
car elsewhere! Actually, I was at Rietzl Audi the other day, paying $170
for a steering column switch assembly 8*( and while waiting, I wandered
on back behind the building and I saw the A4 30V! Actually, I don't know
if it was a 30V, it looked exactly like a normal A4 with "2.8 quattro"
badging, however, it had the distinctive 7 spoke wheels that the 30V
has. Have others in the U.S. seen this car, and I just haven't noticed,
or what?
See ya
'90 CQ