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Re: Front Crank Seal - Ideas please?

Well persevearance and patience won out. Went to dinner, studied the new
one and realized I could put that sheet metal screw through the aluminium
shoulder. Ok, I scored the oil pump housing a little; but, not enough to
cause problems. If I were doing a lot of theses I'd have to get better at
it or bite the bullit and buy that special tool.  Just how many special
tools are there? 

BTW I removed the crank bolt using the flywheel lock method. Same one as
recently described by Allan. This does work sweet. Incidently I saw a 1992
refrence to this method in the archeives.

One last question if anyone is still listening tonight. What is the correct
torque on the crank bolt when you don't use one of those special tools.
Bentley says, depending on which page you look, 252, 253 and 258 ft/lbs
with the special tool. There is no mention of what it should be without the
tool. A post in the archeives says "I think it should be around 300 ft/lbs"
Any one know for sure?  By 1400 hrs. GMT  it will be a moot point. 

Thanks again.
