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Re: Sparco strut braces for CGT?

-- [ From: Huw Powell * EMC.Ver #3.1a ] --

>>AudiDudi got me wondering about these, since I saw the nice photo on his
web site 

>I bought mine from Demon Tweeks in the UK ... it's part NO. 03690 and
GBP100 per their '97 catalog.  Their FAX number is 011-44-1978-664467 ... I
seem to recall it came to around $200 with shipping and customs duty. 

Yup, that's a real nice pic.  Had a friend of mine print it on some Kodak
glossy paper.  Especially love those Webers!

Anyway, is there enough interest that several of us could buy those at once
and save $$$ on shipping over the ocean?  Would it even matter? 
Import/Export experts out there, help?

Huw Powell
HUMAN Speakers