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Whooshing Sound ID'd

Here's a strange one with an easy solution!

The 1990 200 sat for three weeks while work was being done.  When I 
got it back, there was a new sound.  After driving it for two or 
three minutes, on right turns, there was a "whoosh" or sound that was 
hard to categorize - almost like a hydraulic system with bubbles in 

This persisted for a few days until we took a 90-mile trip.  After 
about 15 minutes driving, I took a right - heard a LOUD whoosh, and 
got some water sprayed on me from the center vents.

That explained it!  AC drip pan line was plugged, and water from the 
tray was slopping onto the blower fan when I turned corners.  (Also 
onto my wife's feet, which was another tipoff.)

Made a stop on the trip and blowing compressed air up the drain line 
helped, but didn't get it all.  Once I got home, I bent a soft wire's 
tip into a loop, shoved it up the drain tube - and got the desired 
rush of water in return.  Problem solved.

Diagnosed at the same time - throttle was trying to stick after 
floored.  Popped the hood and found that the throttle-to-cruise 
control linkage had broken its connector at the cruise and was 
laying atop the engine.  Good thing it didn't jam for real!!

Al Powell, Ph.D.                 Voice:  409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.          Fax:    409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843      