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Re: Audi A4 30 Valve sighting... in the US!
take me off this list. I have sent in 28 emails over the last 7 days
to no avail.
please get me off now.
any and all of those addresses.
On 16 Jun 97 at 12:32, Michael J Myers wrote:
> When you subscribed to this list you were sent a message you were
> supposed to read and save which contained info on how to
> unsubscribe.
> Send a message to majordomo@coimbra.ans.net. In the body, write
> "unsubscribe" then either "quattro-digest" or "quattro" depending on
> what you subscribed to then your e-mail address.
> -Mike
> On Fri, 13 Jun 1997 postmaster@enddebt.com wrote:
> > can you please get me off this listserv?
> >
> >
> >
> > On 14 Jun 97 at 3:05, Mike Myers wrote:
> >
> > > Just thought I'd relate my experience with front mount
> > > intercoolers.
> > > Last year I was at the Diamond Star Shootout
> > > (Talon/Eclipses/Lasers). Guy from OK named Bill Lawrence came
> > > into the staging lanes after his run. I pointed out his front
> > > mount intercooler and he said to touch the endtanks. The intake
> > > was on the drivers side and that was pretty warm (140F?).
> > > Passengers side was the outlet and it felt cooler than the
> > > surrounding air (60F?). Simple test that showed me the value of
> > > a proper intercooler. One other thing, he just got back from
> > > running 11.8's at 120mph, nitrous disconnected. Problem with the
> > > Audi's is trying to find enough room to fit one without hacking
> > > up the bodywork.
> > > -Mike
> >
On 16 Jun 97 at 11:22, Fluhr wrote:
> >Have others in the U.S. seen this car, and I just haven't noticed,
> >or what?
> Well, with the reports from other listers on this car, I would guess
> the middle of your three options. I am sure you have a good excuse,
> though, like you have been too busy driving your car to notice,
> right??
> BTW, I saw the A4 30v with sport package at Charles Maund Audi on
> Saturday. I didn't realize it was a 30v, but as I was walking by I
> thought it looked more agressive than the A4 sitting next to it, and
> it took me a second to realize the reason why. I hurried on over to
> it and checked it over. It looks _very_ nice, and probably goes
> like a banshee with that 190hp engine, too. The aluminum interior
> trim was an interesting touch, I guess it looks nice.
> After driving my father's A4 1.8tqsm for 3 days while home for my
> brother's high school graduation, I can only say that the car is
> superb. Loads of power, great handling, smooth and refined, with no
> rough edges. I still like the roughness of my Coupe...it gives me a
> vicarious thrill, but the power and capability of the A4 has me
> drooling. And goodness, those sport seats are incredible!
> Eventually, I'll get my greedy little hands on one, and it'll be
> mine, all mine!!! <evil cackling>
> Later,
> Eric
> '85 Coupe GT
> ---
> Eric J. Fluhr Email:
> ejfluhr@austin.ibm.com 630FP Logic/Circuit Design
> Phone: (512) 838-7589 IBM Microelectronics Div.
> Austin, TX