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Re: S.P.E.A.R.C.O.intercooler guys?? -Reply
GScruggs@wposmtp.nps.navy.mil said:
>If one has to address a trade off in a turbo/intercooler application, ie,
>do you go for more pressure or more cool, which way is most
>productive? I realize this is not quite an apples-to-apples swap in
>terms of efficiency and cost, but which factor has the greatest influence?
One interesting side effect of a cooler intake charge is actually LESS
boost. Since your exhaust temp is lower the exhuast gases have a lower
velocity and energy content to spin the exhaust turbine. A nice side
effect is the piston temps are lower reducing the chance's of detonation.
You could get that EGT back by cranking in a little more ignition
advance, which happens to have the nice side effect of giving better
throttle response and faster spool up on the turbo.
>Do I spend my money on a bigger turbo, or do I try to find better ways to
>cool the air mass that I've already compressed?
Well if the turbo is making lot's of cold air then the turbo would be a
good thing. But if your just going to crank up the boost on a stock
turbo I'd look at the intercooler........
Eric Fletcher S.O.C.
St. Louis, MO