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<All>Split Fire ruling by FTC

This dates back a month, but since this keeps coming up....


The Federal Trade Commission today announced the following actions:

The consent order with SplitFire, Inc., of Northbrook, Illinois, 
settles charges that the fuel economy, efficiency and improved 
performance claims it made in ads for its spark plugs were false or
unsubstantiated. The consent order prohibits SplitFire from making
fuel economy, emissions, horsepower, or cost savings claims without
competent and reliable scientific evidence to support them. It also
bars misrepresentations about the existence, contents, validity,
results, conclusions or interpretations of any test or study. In
connection with testimonials, the order requires SplitFire to have
competent and reliable scientific evidence to substantiate claims in
endorsements or testimonials; to disclose either what the typical or
ordinary consumers experience would be or the limited applicability of
the endorser's experience to other consumers. (See Feb. 11, 1997 news
release for details regarding this case; Docket No. C-3737; Commission
vote on April 28 to issue this order as final was 5-0.) Staff contact
is Laura Fremont, San Francisco Regional Office, 415-356-5270.<<

>>6th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W
>>Washington, D.C. 20580

I suggest that all SplitFires be given the flotation test (throw 
parts in large body of water and if they float, they are OK; if not, 

Al Powell, Ph.D.                 Voice:  409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.          Fax:    409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843      