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Audi's: feminine or masculine?

How 'bout an Audi philosophical discussion?

I'm sure we have all, at one point or another, referred to our cars as a
"she/her" or a "he/him". We seem to habitually affix gender tags to
machinery and, personally, I think of my Audi as masculine, though I don't
know why. I've noticed recently, that more men than women notice my Audi.
How did I notice this? Well, Bob Myers last posting referred to this,
"...and female pedestrians with short skirts just to name a few...", I (out
of habit) notice women on the side of the road, but all too often they do
not notice the Audi, but men do (?!). Is it the strong teutonic styling, or
just the fact that men seem to "know" cars better than women (or the fact
that I'm not the "chick-magnet" I used to be)? Again, I don't know. Italian
car design seems to incorporate a lot of flowing curves and, to me, seem
feminine. However, the Avus also makes use of flowing lines in it's
exterior styling, but I don't see that as a feminine design. What gives, is
it me (no wise comments from you, Royal), or is there such a thing as
gender based design?

So, silly Audi-related bandwidth for sure, but I get the feeling that some
of you may have given this a quick thought before and wondered, too, what
gives? Audi's: feminine or masculine?

Sean Ford
sean@nwh.org                       '92 Audi 100CS 5spd 22K mi (sometimes
referred to as "Adolph the Audi")
Newton-Wellesley Hospital      '89 Suzuki Katana 600 14K mi
Newton, MA  02162 (USA)      http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Downs/5528