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RE: Which Bentley manual for '93 90Q?

Nope. The '93 is the B4 Type 89, with the 2.8lV6, the ones the listed
Bentley covers are the B3 Type 89 4, 5 and 20v motors. HTH.
-Ian Duff.
	-----Original Message-----
	From:	Steve Peterson [SMTP:stevep@ry.com]
	Sent:	Wednesday, 18 June 1997 5:13 PM
	To:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
	Subject:	Which Bentley manual for '93 90Q?

	Is the manual listed below also good for the '93 90Q?  There
isn't one
	showing 1993 in the title.


	Audi 80, 90, Coupe Quattro: Official Factory Repair
	Manual 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, Including 80
	Quattro, 90 Quattro & 20-Valve Models 
	Robert Bentley Inc.,Audi Of America Inc. Staff 
	Pub. Price: $144.95    B&N Price: $101.46    You Save: $43.49
	ISBN#: 0837603684
	Publisher: Robert Bentley Inc., Pubs. 
	Format: Hardcover 
	Date Published: July 1996
	Steve Peterson                                    Reality
Interactive, Inc.
	Check out http://www.realtools.com for info on CD-ROM training
for ISO 9000,
	QS-9000 and ISO 14000.