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Re: Audi's: feminine or masculine?

My Audi moves gracefully, is beautiful to look at, responds instantly,
gives great pleasure, has broad Germanic hips and a pair of gorgeous

oh, I forgot - free servicing for 3 years :-)

Masculine? - I think not :-) 

-----------------------original message------------------------
> Sean Ford wrote:
> > How 'bout an Audi philosophical discussion?
> 	Sure.
> > I'm sure we have all, at one point or another, referred to our cars as 
> > "she/her" or a "he/him". We seem to habitually affix gender tags to
> > machinery and, personally, I think of my Audi as masculine, though I 
> > don't know why.

Greg Spark
Hamilton, New Zealand
'96 A4 1.8Tq 5sp MTM/Remus 200hp