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RE: Die Hard (Die Easy)

I think Die Hard is getting a bad wrap here.  I've had my Die Hard for
over three years now and it has never given me an ounce of problems and
has never died on me.  Even with me leaving the radio on or interior
lights on overnight.  I've had my power hungry sterio system on for
hours while working on the car or waxing it many times and it still
always starts right up!  I think many older cars can drain the system. 
I think the Die Hard batteries are fine though.

But, the best, and if I needed to replace mine (which I don't), I'd get
an Optima battery.  They are the best and use some sort of advanced coil
desighn rather than battery acid.  That's right, no battery acid or
cells going bad.  They also have an extensive warranty and they will fit
the 5000 series cars, if you lay them down sideways!  Just stuff some
padding in there to make sure no metal is contacting the terminals and
secure it down well.
I've seen it done.

Dan Hussey
Rayovac Corp.
Madison, WI